Aquatherapy and cedar hot tubs

Aquatherapy and cedar hot tubs

Not only do they look incredible in any space, barrel hot tubs have the added benefit of depth that sets them ahead of other hot tubs, making aquatherapy and cedar hot tubs go hand-in-hand.

Aquatherapy is a great way to reduce the swelling of joints and inflammation, or add motion and physical activity with low impact effects on your body, whether you opt for a deep soak, or making use of the depth that the hot tub provides for aquatherapy exercises. The quiet but impactful jets offer added massage-like qualities that further enhance your experience!

What makes our cedar hot tubs even more beneficial is their ability to go from hot tub to chiller tub at the flip of a switch, with the use of an arctic heat pump. Cold plunge therapy has been used in sports rehabilitation for years, and is the perfect compliment to a heated soak. The mild shock of temperature change works overtime to aid the repair of strained and/or overworked muscles and joints.

Cedar hot tubs are perfect for any back yard, but are also featured in spas, hotels, and sport recovery locations all over the world for their soothing and healing benefits and high quality, low-maintenance, long-lasting design.

Learn more about the benefits of hydrotherapy, why cedar is perfect for hot tub construction, or start designing your own cedar hot tub!